Thursday, May 12, 2022



Wednesday, May 11, 2022

MAY 12

It’s Never Too Late

My work as a nurse specialist is in the rear view mirror and I'm honored to have had that career. But now I have this one as an author. Some people might think that your later years mean sitting in a rocker with a cat or a grandchild on your lap. Not for me. There is so much left to do. I had some false starts after retirement. Such as... I bought a new cello. I knew nothing about music except that I love strings. Turns out, practicing an hour a day wasn't as doable as I thought. My elbow pained after fifteen minutes. My husband left the house when I practiced. But I still love the instrument and tune it when the weather changes. 

Then, I decided I wanted to tell my story that I'd kept secret most of my life. So, I took writing classes and found my niche with fellow writers. Writing is much more challenging than I imagined. If you're interested in learning to write, send me an email. I'd love to talk to you about it.